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Analysis and data collection

In the case of a website that is about to be relaunched or redesigned, data is collected and analyzed, which includes online and offline techniques.


  • SEO analysis of user behavior in terms of keywords and user intent.
  • Competitor analysis: user navigation behavior on a successful  competitor application.
  • Usability testing on the previous application (to identify errors and avoid them in the future).


  • Surveys.
  • Case studies.
  • Reports.
  • Customer Journey: individualize touchpoints.

The collected data and insights form the basis for all further measures.

Personas and data collection

A fundamental part of the user experience is the determination of the target group on the basis of personas. Only those who know their target group and their needs precisely can offer the user of the application a positive user experience.

The demographic data, attributes, wishes, needs and habits of the personas allow conclusions to be drawn about what the UX design should ideally look like. Clusters are generated to reach as many users as possible. This is because it may well be that several personas and ergo a broad or several target groups are to be addressed.

UX design conception

The development phase comprises several steps.

  • Brainstorming: Here, users can have their say with their wishes and previous experiences. Likewise, committed mistakes are named.
  • Creation of a sitemap: Hierarchy of content and navigation structure are defined.
  • Digital prototype in the form of a mock-up is presented to the  customer.
  • A digital prototype is then created.

Usability testing

The digital prototype is tested in different phases and by different groups.

  • Test experience gathered as early as the conception stage is    incorporated into the project. This experience can also relate only to partial aspects of specific applications.
  • A group of users is selected to perform tests on technically      p repared computers. These have webcams for eye tracking and register clicks, duration of stay and possibly other parameters that    are relevant for the evaluation.
  • Finally, a usability report is created that describes exactly what was    tested, to what extent and with what technical equipment.
  • Participants are also named, infographics created, results presented and recommendations made.

Digital accessibility

The topic of accessibility deserves special attention. While clear standards have been prescribed and implemented in real life for decades in some cases, digital accessibility is still in its infancy. Around 18 percent of the world's population is affected, at various levels, by a disability. In addition, there is a large number of senior citizens who, although they do not appear in the relevant statistics, de facto also have to contend with limitations.

What does digital accessibility mean? All people should be able to use and understand an app or a website. From 2025, the European Accessibility Act will apply to all EU member states, according to which perceptibility, comprehensibility, robustness and usability are to be guaranteed for people with disabilities. In practical terms, this means:

  • Use of simple language.
  • Clear naming of buttons.
  • Alternative texts for graphics and images.
  • Music and video files do not play automatically.
  • No exclusive color highlighting of content.

Another argument for accessibility is the fact that every user, disabled or not, benefits from a simpler site structure and clear content.

We have made this topic our own and implement it consistently.

Result analysis

After the tests are completed, the results from all the preceding stages are collected, analyzed and incorporated into the finished product. Afterwards, the client approves the product and the website or e-commerce or application can go online.

Of course, further control and monitoring of the UX design are necessary. Particularly in the initial phase after the release, further findings may emerge that should be incorporated into the UX design in the short term.

Of course, we accompany our customers beyond this phase and offer updates as well as continuous, holistic support.

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