An online shop is not just a piece of software, but is only successful with an overall concept. TYRIOS supports you with an impressive overall package and easy customization.

  • Powerful, seamlessly integrated customer and invoice management
  • Innovative POS terminals for shop operations
  • Real-time business intelligence to analyze your business figures
  • Multidimensional modular system architecture for easy expandability
  • Responsive basic layout ba Extensive product management with integrated   warehouse management sed on bootstrap technology
  • Individual design thanks to labor-saving multi-layer structure


TYRIOS search

Noticeably increase the turnover of your online shop. With our SaaS product TYRIOS search you have a modern, error-tolerant search with an integrated, autonomous recommendation system for a sustainable improvement in customer satisfaction.

  • Self-learning, error-tolerant shop search engine with integrated relevance analysis
  • Autonomously learning product recommendations for product overviews as well as cross- and up-selling recommendations
  • Powerful after-search support with automatic data faceting and filtering
  • High-performance interface for optimal integration into any eCommerce software


Content On Target

Attract more visitors to your blog, forum or online portal. The SaaS product ContentOnTarget helps you to optimize your internet presence in the long term. 

  • Self-learning recommendations to increase the length of time your visitors stay and a better, self-maintaining link structure
  • Intelligent, error-tolerant search with integrated AutoSuggest function
  • Intelligent, self-learning navigation structures thanks to automatic data faceting and filtering
  • individual document scheme
  • High-performance interface for optimal integration


Individual Projects & Advice

We have been developing online platforms and eCommerce systems for over 16 years. Use this experience to implement your projects. We are also happy to act as a partner in front of end customers.

  • 16 years of web development experience
  • 15 years of individual development of eCommerce systems
  • 12 years of experience in text mining and search engine technology
  • 11 years of experience in developing social media platforms
  • 10 years of experience in data mining, text mining and big data


Demo Title

Architecto dolorem facere facilis nihil non quidem? Amet distinctio fugit harum, quo quod quos tempora! Aspernatur consectetur, est eveniet id ullam veritatis?

Demo Title

Architecto dolorem facere facilis nihil non quidem? Amet distinctio fugit harum, quo quod quos tempora! Aspernatur consectetur, est eveniet id ullam veritatis?

Demo Title

Architecto dolorem facere facilis nihil non quidem? Amet distinctio fugit harum, quo quod quos tempora! Aspernatur consectetur, est eveniet id ullam veritatis?

Demo Title

Architecto dolorem facere facilis nihil non quidem? Amet distinctio fugit harum, quo quod quos tempora! Aspernatur consectetur, est eveniet id ullam veritatis?

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